I Am Church!

by Deborah Kadì   I am church I am called out   Out of the darkness and uncertainty into His light and solid foundation, the Rock, unmovable, my Jesus.   I am church I am called out   Out of fear and hurt into His love everlasting that I find in...

“Flying High in July”

As I started out this month, I felt great expectation, excitement and even curiosity about all that God held for this special time. A few weeks ago I felt the Holy Spirit saying that July was going to be a time of surprises! That word began to fill me with joy. The...

Spring Forward

Victory in the WildernessVolume 1 Edition 2 By: Lauren Hoff As I am writing this, it is literally the first full day of Spring! During this time of year my spirit is full of excitement and anticipation for the new beginnings that are coming forth. I have heard in very...