Victory in the Wilderness
Volume 1 Edition 2
By: Lauren Hoff
As I am writing this, it is literally the first full day of Spring! During this time of year my spirit is full of excitement and anticipation for the new beginnings that are coming forth. I have heard in very recent days, not only within myself but also from the voices of other prophets, that this year would be a year of springing forward or leaping forward! That word resonates within my bones and I know it to be the truth. As the flowers begin to bloom and everything is turning green, Holy Spirit always brings to remembrance this scripture in Song of Songs: “My beloved spoke and said to me. ‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me.
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.’” All the while, my Bridegroom, the Lover of my soul is singing this song in my heart,
“Dance with Me”
I believe with every fiber of my being that this “spring forward” is going to launch us into higher realms of the Spirit, soul and body. The Lord wants to fulfill the desires of our hearts and at the same time, fulfill HIS by drawing us into a deeper intimacy with Him.
This is what I hear my Beloved saying, “I breath on you, you breath on Me. Deep calls out to deep. The exchange of our spirits is an intimacy that My heart longs for continually. Did you know how just one glance of your eye or a thought toward Me, fills Me with delight? I hope you know how precious you are to Me and how extravagant My love is for you! Your adorning words are like sweet kisses and your songs of worship are like honey; I treasure nothing more. I want ALL of your heart and I will settle for nothing less. I am the only One who can truly satisfy all your hearts’ desires; everywhere else you seek, you will just come up wanting. So, come closer, come deeper into the greatest love you will ever know, for I am the One true Lover of your soul.”
Yes, His love is captivating and wondrous! How could a Being so wonderful feel anything for us? It is just incomprehensible for our finite minds to absorb; yet it is irresistible to respond and be known by Him.
As much as we think that circumstances changing will bring us joy and fulfillment, it is only the complete trust and the laying down of our lives that translates into peace and joy that surpasses all understanding. In the blistering heat of the trials, God always reminds me of this scripture in Job where He says, “Yet though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15). When we wander in the dry places of the wilderness, our greatest victory lies in the depths of our relationship with Jesus. Wells of worship are found there, which nourish and water our souls. Every tear that falls to the ground rises again – as do we – a fragrant offering to Our Savior.